Thursday, July 17, 2014

And So On: The Hub For My Happenings

Hello friends and family,

Many have expressed an interest in a continuance of blog posts from what I was doing in Europe as I transition into Korea. I am more than happy to do so, and I am honored that you folks care enough to read up on what I'm doing.

Transition back to America has been busy. I got home to Chicago on June 2, drove back to Saint Louis the next day, spent a few days there, flew to New York, spent a few days there, drove back to Chicago, spent a day there, drove back to Saint Louis, and now here I am. Saturday, I leave for a family reunion in Minnesota. I am so unbelievably ready to settle down and get to Korea.

"And so on." This is a famous line (for any of you Vonnegut readers out there) from Breakfast of Champions, a novel that I quite enjoy. Whether or not Kurt intended it, I kind of have been interpreting it as saying, "There will always be more to say. The skill in writing knows when to continue and when to shut the hell up." It's a brilliant novel, and you should read it. For now, apparently there is more for me to say.

The posts from the Europe trip should still be included in the archives of this blog, mostly for my own safe keeping. I hope everyone who cares to read enjoys, and I will post more as my August 2 departure date draws nearer. Have a great week, folks.
